Thank you for submitting your CDP Certification application. Your work was successfully peer reviewed by the Design Professionals of Canada National Certification Board.

Last steps
CDP™ Certified is the attained standard and signifier licensed to individuals who have have met a rigorous and professional standard of work and who play a leadership role in the industry. Complete your application by following Step 3 below.
Download and review the DesCan Code of Ethics and the Certification License Agreement. Complete your application by checking the boxes below and paying your annual CDP™Certification fee.
–> Download DesCan Code of Ethics
–> Download CDP™Certified Licensing Agreement

Code of Ethics and CDP License
"*" indicates required fields
$300per year
CDP™Certification includes:
- Accorded title of CDP
- Use of CDP letters
- Use of CDP Certified logomark
- CDP Certified Certificate
- DesCan Publishing opportunities
- DesCan Mentoring opportunities
- DesCan Board Member opportunities
- DesCan Society events
- DesCan Slack community