Participants needed for OCAD University graduate studies research
Christine Woolley, a graduate student in the OCAD University Inclusive Design program, is inviting graphic designers and design educators in B.C. to participate in a graduate research project on equitable access to public information and the role of the graphic designer. The goal of the research is to investigate the ability of the graphic design community in B.C. to successfully meet the requirements of the newly passed Accessible British Columbia Act and to co-create a framework and set of recommendations on how government can support the graphic design industry during this transition.
For more information on the purpose, benefits, and participant involvement in this research please see the participant recruitment invitation, the participant consent form and the anonymous online survey. If you are interested in participating, have any questions about this study or require further information, please contact Christine Woolley using the contact information provided below.
This research has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Board at OCAD University, approval #2021-64. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact the Research Ethics Office via email at research@ocadu.ca.
Graduate student researcher
Christine Woolley, CGD
MDes Inclusive Design student
OCAD University
Faculty supervisor
Annette Blum, Associate Professor
Faculty of Design
OCAD University